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What is an insurance?

Insurance is a means of protection from financial loss. A person buys insurance to safeguard something from the risk of uncertain loss. There are many types of insurance. We will be discussing the types of insurance and how they are used in this article.

Life insurance.

Taking out a life insurance policy would enable you to have peace of mind that no matter what happens to you, your family will have the means to go on. In the old days, life insurance was primarily focused on a death benefit. This is the money given to the family after the policyholder passes on. This death benefit is meant to take the place of any financial loss the family has because the policyholder will no longer be able to provide for them.

Nowadays, life insurance is so much more than just a death benefit. It can now include cash benefits that can be used for any emergency. There are medical riders that can be used in case the policyholder is diagnosed with a critical disease,  the retirement benefit can be used to set money aside for when the policyholder decides to retire, and so much more.

Healthcare insurance.

Healthcare insurance is another type of insurance that families need. Far too much is spent by Filipinos each year at hospitals, for medical bills and just day-to-day expenses just to stay healthy. A healthcare insurance plan is meant to help an individual or family lower these expenses by helping them prepare for medical emergencies.

Since PhilHealth is not yet enough to cover all the expenses, taking out a healthcare plan for the family would be a good investment in the long run because a family would be able to save so much on medical expenses because of a healthcare plan.

How do you invest in an insurance plan?

Before investing, you have to know what financial needs you and your family have so that you can get the necessary insurance to cover those needs. Start by listing down the needs you have and looking at riders that can answer those needs.

An insurance agent will be able to give you sound advice on which type of insurance you and your family would need and which you would most benefit from. If you do not have time to visit an insurance company, you can get a life insurance policy online. At epolicy.ph, all you need to do is enter all the information needed, tell Sandy, the artificial intelligence insurance agent about your financial needs, and  Sandy will come up with everything you need.

Why buy online?

Quicker process.

For people who hate waiting for updates, buying insurance online would be the option for you. The process would be quicker as you can get all the information on the site and you will not need to waste time filling out forms and paperwork.

Fast approval.

Going to a physical office of a life insurance company can be a hassle, and you will need to wait some more to get approved for insurance. If you opt to do it online at epolicy.ph, the approval time will be much faster.


You do not need to leave the comfort of your own home to get life insurance. The online system of epolicy.ph is designed to be convenient for you as you are on the go or just at home.

Better deals.

The prices you can get would be better, and more transparent. Epolicy.ph aims to provide you will all the information as to how the money you pay is spent, where it goes, and how it is spent toward the causes that are important to you. You must know this because it is your money that is being invested, and you deserve to know what happens to it.

What are you waiting for? Buy an instant policy online now at epolicy.ph.

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One Comment

  1. Thank you so much Manila Bankers, I am now insured because of your help very accomodating din ang mga staff.

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