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List of Life Insurance in the Philippines 2019

For people who are new to investing in life insurance, it can be confusing. There are many insurance companies that would offer what they think would be the best options for you and your family. Life insurance would be a need for every family.

Just in case anything would happen to the breadwinner of the family, your life insurance policy would be there to make sure that any unforeseen expenses can be covered. But even if you would know this already, what kind of life insurance should you get? Which one would be right for your family?

By nature, we try to stay away from the topic of death at any cost. However, there will come a time when we will have to face the macabre topic of death. Everyone will die someday, and it would be a good idea to have a plan in place just in case anything happens to you, to make sure the people you leave behind will be able to cope with the loss. Emotionally, it would be hard enough to cope with a loved one’s death. But the financial strain is something that many people do not take into account. 

Here is a list of the most trusted names in the Philippine life insurance industry. These are not the only companies and as long as the company is accredited by the Philippine Insurance Commission, you can be sure that you can trust that company.

Manila Bankers Life Insurance Corporation.

MBLIFE has been providing insurance to its clients since 1967. They have a wide array of choices when it comes to policies. They offer insurance for individuals as well as companies who will buy insurance 

AXA Philippines

AXA is one of the leading life insurance companies. It is the product of a joint venture between the Metrobank Group and AXA Group. It is one of the faster-growing financial conglomerates that has over 800,000 clients.

Sunlife Financial Philippines

Sunlife is one of the insurance companies that would offer many insurance products that include accidental insurance, pension plans, and education plans.

PhilAm Life

The Philippine American Life and General Insurance Company or PhilAm Life has been one of the country’s leading insurance providers for many decades.

Insular Life

It has been active since 1910, making it one of the oldest insurance providers in the Philippines.


Manulife offers insurance policies to help with all the needs of the family. They have educational plans, retirement plans and help you save for a rainy day.

FWD Life insurance Corporation

Established in 1993, this insurance company has recently teamed up with Security bank to provide quality life insurance packages for its clients.

No matter what insurance company you choose to invest with, make sure that you are able to tell your insurance agent of the needs that you have. Make a list on paper so that it would be easy for you to remember all the needs that need to be met by the insurance policy. Remember that your insurance policy should be tailored-fit to your family’s needs.

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  1. Choose Manila Bankers Life Insurance, it helps me a lot in times of need and will help you to save more money in the future

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